In my application I was creating some custom object and array which store custom object and I required to save those in NSUserDefaults
Initially I struggled with this but finally got solution, so though to share it.
First of all, if you want to save your custom object in NSUserDefaults than it should follow NSCoding protocol.
So your custom class should implement NSCoding protocol like following.
@interface MyClass : NSObject <NSCoding>{
BOOL someFlag;
#import "MyClass.h"
@implementation MyClass
- (void) encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
//uncomment following if super class is following NSCoding protocol
//[super encodeWithCoder:coder];
[coder encodeBool:someFlag forKey:@"SomeFlag"];
- (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
//uncomment following if super class is following NSCoding protocol
//self = [super initWithCoder:coder];
self = [super init];
if( self )
someFlag = [coder decodeBoolForKey:@"SomeFlag"];
return self;
Now to store and restore above defined custom class in NSUserDefaults, we can use following code as shown in saveState and restoreState function.
#import "MyClass.h"
@interface Controller : NSObject {
MyClass* myClass;
NSMutableArray* myClassArray;
int currentState;
- (void) saveState;
- (void) restoreState;
#import "Controller.h"
@implementation Controller
- (void) saveState
NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSData* myClassData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:myClass];
[defaults setObject:myClassData forKey:@"MyClass"];
NSData* myClassArrayData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:myClassArray];
[defaults setObject:myClassArrayData forKey:@"MyClassArray"];
[defaults setInteger:currentState forKey:@"CurrentState"];
- (void) restoreState
NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSData* myClassData = [defaults objectForKey:@"MyClass"];
myClass = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:myClassData];
NSData* myClassArrayData = [defaults objectForKey:@"MyClassArray"];
NSArray *savedMyClassArray = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:myClassArrayData];
if( savedMyClassArray != nil )
myClassArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:savedMyClassArray];
myClassArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
currentState = [defaults integerForKey:@"CurrentState"];
ReplyDeleteI need help. I've managed to put your code working, its saves all the objects into the array, nice !! But when i try to use them, its possible to see how many objects the array has but all the object are out of scope ! what am i missing ? any ideias ?
I am not sure until you give me you code where you save and restore your array. For me above code works fine, its from my working application.But if you are storing custom class in array then check if you are supporting NSCoding protocol properly.