While I was working on Ubuntu-Touch core app calendar, I wanted to emit signal from java script to QML code.
As such there is no official way provided by Qt framework, but we can try some workaround for this. Initially I used observer pattern to notify QML code from javascript. but I needed to wrote quite handful of code, and I did not liked the solution, I asked my team mates in calendar team and Frank suggested quite neat solution for this.
His suggestion was to create a temporary QtObject in javascript and use it for notification. Following is code for the same.
In following code, I created a QtObject in javascript with dataChanged signal defined in it.
As such there is no official way provided by Qt framework, but we can try some workaround for this. Initially I used observer pattern to notify QML code from javascript. but I needed to wrote quite handful of code, and I did not liked the solution, I asked my team mates in calendar team and Frank suggested quite neat solution for this.
His suggestion was to create a temporary QtObject in javascript and use it for notification. Following is code for the same.
In following code, I created a QtObject in javascript with dataChanged signal defined in it.
eventsNotifier = Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQuick 2.0; QtObject { signal dataChanged }', Qt.application, 'EventsNotifier');Now, we can use this object to emit signal to QML code, like this.
function someFunc() { ... ... eventsNotifier.dataChanged(); }In QML code, we need to attach slot to dataChanged signal,like below.
import "test.js" as TestJS function reload() { ... ... } Component.onCompleted: { TestJS.eventsNotifier.dataChanged.connect(reload); }This is all, simple and neat.
Can you suggest me please it is showing the following errors when i used the above codes
ReplyDelete1. js: Uncaught ReferenceError: Qt is not defined
2. Error: Function.prototype.connect: target is not a function
Do you solve?