Sometime back I published a post that shows how to access Amazon Web Service using Qt. You can find original post
here. Now that trend is to code everything from QML and Javascript ( at-least Ubuntu Touch is following that path to make it as device independent as possible), I tired to access AWS service from using pure QML and Javascript.
I required to use external Crypto library for HMACSHA1 algorithm but everything else can easily be done with pure QML/Javascript.
Following is code i used for downloading Book cover image from Amazon AWS.
First all to communicate with AWS you required to have AWS access key id and Secret Access key. You can get it from
here. I am also importing the Crypto library, for using HmacSHA1 implementation. I am using crypto-js Library. You can download required the same from
.import "JSLib/rollups/hmac-sha1.js" as Crypto
//key and password, required to sign the request using HMACSHA1
var AWS_KEY = "KEY";
var END_POINT = "";
var AWS_TAG = "TAG"
Now we have required information, we can are ready to create request. In following code, I am putting all required parameter in a map and then using it to create signature and URL. We also need to encode parameter, I am using
encodeURIComponent for encoding required parameter.
function downloadCover( author,bookName,callback) {
var queryItems = {};
queryItems["AWSAccessKeyId"] = AWS_KEY;
queryItems["AssociateTag"] = AWS_TAG;
queryItems["Author"] = encodeURIComponent(author);
queryItems["Keywords"] = encodeURIComponent(bookName);
queryItems["Operation"] = "ItemSearch";
queryItems["ResponseGroup"] = "Images";
queryItems["SearchIndex"] = "Books";
queryItems["Service"] = "AWSECommerceService";
queryItems["SignatureMethod"] = "HmacSHA1";
queryItems["Timestamp"] = encodeURIComponent( new Date().toISOString());
queryItems["Signature"] = createSignature(queryItems);
var downloadUrl = createUrl(queryItems);
Following is code for creating signature. Creating signature is the only tricky part to make code works as expected. I am using HmacSHA1 from Crypto-JS lib. This function return WordArray object, which can be converted to HEX string, binary string or base64. Once we have HmacSHA1 hash of request, we need to convert it to Base64. I was not able to use base64 function from Crypto-JS library due to some error. I decided to copy base64 function from library directly to my js file and use it. Then finally we need to encode this base64 output, which we can be used as signature while sending request.
function createSignature(queryItems) {
var strToSign = "GET\n";
strToSign += "\n";
strToSign += "/onca/xml\n"
for( var prop in queryItems ) {
if( prop === "Signature") {
strToSign += ( prop+"="+ queryItems[prop]);
strToSign += "&"
//removing last &
strToSign = strToSign.slice(0,strToSign.length-1)
var signature = Crypto.CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(strToSign, AWS_PASS);
signature = base64(signature);
return encodeURIComponent(signature);
Now we are almost done, all we need to do is to use created signature and make HTTP request. Following code shows how. There is nothing new here. I am creating complete URL from all required parameter and making request using this URL by XMLHttpRequest object.
function createUrl(queryItems )
var url = END_POINT+"?";
for( var prop in queryItems ) {
url += ( prop+"="+ queryItems[prop]);
url += "&"
//removing last &
url = url.slice(0,url.length-1);
return url;
function sendNetworkRequest(url,callback) {
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
console.log("Headers -->");
console.log(http.getAllResponseHeaders ());
console.log("Last modified -->");
console.log(http.getResponseHeader ("Last-Modified"));
} else if (http.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
}"GET", url);