Sunday, January 30, 2011

Simple animation with iPhone SDK

Recently I was trying port my application on iPhone and want to convert my Qt Animation code to iPhone SDK.

I achieved animation using core animation toolkit provided by iPhone SDK. In iPhone animation is performed using UIView object. You can animate changes to view property like frame, bounds, alpha, center, etc....

On iOS 4 and later animation can be done using block objects but if you want to run your code on iOS 3.2 or earlier than you have to use older begin/commit method.

I used begin/commit method to perform animation in my code.

Following snippet shows sample code that I used to animate a button's center to certain location.

[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0];

// Make the animatable changes. = CGPointMake(150,;

// Commit the changes and perform the animation.
[UIView commitAnimations];

Same code can also be written using new block object, like following.

[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{ = CGPointMake(150,;

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Intel App Up developer program MeeGo Contest

Sometime ago intel launched App Up developer program and as part of that they launched MeeGo Contest and invited article for meego or Qt development on various topics.

I also submitted my article "Animating object along with curve in Qt using QPainterPath" for this competition for code sample topic and to my surprise it was selected as one of finalist. Check other entries here.

Now that winners are announced for each category and I am not one of them but still I will getting price for being one of finalist. Check winner list here.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Crazy Chickens game now available for Symbian 3 on Ovi Store

From past few months I was working on to port Crazy chickens game on Symbian 3 and publish game on Ovi store.

After long waiting, finally my game pass Ovi Store's QA process and now its available to download on Ovi Store.

Currently game is supported on Nokia C6-01,Nokia E7-00,Nokia C7-00 and Nokia N8-00 devices. To download this game from Ovi store click here.

Update:Now game is also available to all Symbian S60 5th edition phone.

Following is game play video on n900 device.

Hope you like this game.

Packaging sis file for symbian in Qt

In my previous post, I described how symbian application can be developed from Ubuntu using Qt Creator and remote compiler.

But if you want to upload generated sis file to Ovi Store then you need to make some changes in Qt's project(.pro) file.

First you need supply UID supplied from Ovi store or Symbian signed like following.
TARGET.UID3 = 0x00000000 <- use your UID
Then you need to add vendor information like following
   vendorinfo = \
        "%{\"Kunal Parmar\"}" \
        ":\"Kunal Parmar\"" 
And last you can supply menu icon for your app like following,
ICON = image/app.svg 
with all information together it looks like following,
symbian {

    vendorinfo = \
        "%{\"Kunal Parmar\"}" \
        ":\"Kunal Parmar\""

    my_deployment.pkg_prerules += vendorinfo
    DEPLOYMENT += my_deployment

    TARGET.UID3 = 0x00000000
    ICON = image/app.svg
    LIBS += -lcone -leikcore -lavkon

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dragon Killer Tien Len 13 game for iPhone, iPod

Sometime ago I was working with a friend to create Tien Len game for iPhone. Now that game is live on Apple app store.

Tien Len (also known as Thirteen, Killer, & VC) is a popular & very addicting card game that is played around the world.

Each player is given 13 cards, and the objective is to get rid of your cards before your opponents. The lowest card (3 of spades) is played to start the game and then players take turns using strategy to beat their opponent’s hand in multiple rounds with singles, doubles, triples, straights, and bombs. Suit rank (spades<4<5 … <2) determines which hand is higher than the other.

Please visit iTunes or App store for more information and download.

Following are few snaps from game.

Following is video from game.