Following are some handy animation code, which I created while creating game.
Controlling Animation from Function and using sequential animation.
In following code, I have created a standalone sequential animation and controlling that animation from animate function.
import Qt 4.7 Rectangle { id: window width: 200 height: 400 SequentialAnimation { id: anim property string color: "lightgreen" PropertyAnimation { target: window properties:"color" to: anim.color duration:100 } PauseAnimation { duration: 100 } PropertyAnimation { target: window properties:"color" to: "darkgreen" duration:100 } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { animate(); } } function animate() { anim.color = "lightgreen" anim.running = true; } }
Starting animation on property change.
Following code perform Behavior animation on smallRect when ever we change its x value. Behaviour animation can also be applied on other property like width, height, color etc...
smallRect.x = 200
Rectangle { color: "blue" id:smallRect width: 100;height: 200; x:100;y:50; Behavior on x { PropertyAnimation { duration: 1500 } } }
Performing animation on component creation.
If you want to perform animation when component is created then you can put animation code inside Component.onCompleted method like following. This code is more useful if you are creating animation dynamically on runtime. If have created QML element statically then you might want to perform animation when opacity changes.
Component.onCompleted : { animate(); }
Performing animation on component destruction.
Following code perform animation when object is destroyed. Like above code this is also more useful when object is constructed and destroyed at runtime.
Animation is performed when we call remove function. Remove function will start opacity change animation and when animation is complete it will destroy parent QML animation.
Rectangle { color: "blue" id:smallRect width: 100;height: 200; x:100;y:50; NumberAnimation { id:removeAnim target:smallRect properties:"opacity" to:0 duration:1000 onRunningChanged: { if(running == false ) { smallRect.destroy(); } } } function remove() { removeAnim.running = true; } }
Pausing and resuming animation.
Following code demostrate how to pause and resume animation. We can control animation by using running property of animation.
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { //animate(); if( anim.running == false ) { //starting animation anim.running = true; } else { //pausing animation anim.running = false; } } }
I hope above code is helpful.
ReplyDeleteit's really useful article.
Kind Regards!